Frequently Asked Questions

Take advantage of the MillionairesFlix Opportunities.

This section will be filled up with explanation videos soon and will be extended with further answer that our support team is dealing with on daily basis. 


First of all, what is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin (BTC) is known as the first open-source, peer-to-peer, digital cryptocurrency that was developed and released by a group of unknown independent programmers named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Cryptocoin doesn’t have any centralized server used for its issuing, transactions and storing, as it uses a distributed network public database technology named blockchain, which requires an electronic signature and is supported by a proof-of-work protocol to provide the security and legitimacy of money transactions. The issuing of Bitcoin is done by users with mining capabilities and is limited to 21 million coins. Currently, Bitcoin’s market cap surpasses $200 billion and this is the most popular kind of digital currency. Buying and selling cryptocurrency is available through special Bitcoin exchange platforms or ATMs.



A) MillionairesFlix Account

How can I open a MillionairesFlix Multi Account?

You need a sponsor who invites you into the MillionairesFlix system. Usually you get a referral link. You need an email address of course and we recommend a smart phone with internet access. Furthermore you should open a Bitcoin Wallet to store your upcoming Bitcoins and a to store your possible ERC20 Token.


B) FOREX Explosion

(Those answers are from FOREX Explosion LLC, Georgia. MillionairesFlix is just forwarding them to you)


How can I open a FOREX Explosion Account?

First of all, MillionairesFlix is just an Affiliater at FOREX Explosion, you need a MillionairesFlix Account to get access to the FOREX Explosion platform. 


Does MillionairesFlix collect the money for FOREX Explosion?

No, MillionairesFlix simply offers you the possibility to get access to the wonderful platform of FOREX Explosion. MillionairesFlix just routes your commission into your MillionairesFlix Payout Wallet. 


Can I upgrade my FOREX Explosion package? And will the contract duration be extended?

Yes, of course you can upgrade your existing FOREX Explosion package. If you want to upgrade a 250$ FOREX Explosion package to a 500$ package, the you just have to pay additional 250$. The contract duration will not be prolongated. The initial package duration counts still


Can I switch from compounding back to “none-compounding”?

Yes, but only once in contract lifetime.stead of getting your weekly FOREX Explosion profits to your Payout Wallet, the profits will be shifted to the amount which is invested for you in the Forex Trading. This means that the amount


How does compounding work?

Instead of getting your weekly FOREX Explosion profits to your Payout Wallet, the profits will be shifted to the amount which is invested for you in the Forex Trading. This means that the amount invested grows on weekly basis, so do your profits. That can lead into a huge amount after 24 months. 


C) Bitcoin Mining


Which cryptocurrency is mined by MillionairesFlix?

We are mining only Bitcoin at the moment. FOREX Explosion, you need a EXUS Global Account to get access to the FOREX Explosion platform.


What are the packages MillionairesFlix is selling about?

You buy a fixed Hashpower in each package, means, you buy basically the electricity that  produces Bitcoins


What kind of packages is MillionairesFlix offering?

MillionairesFlix offers packages between 25$ and 25.000$ with Hashpower between 100 $ and 100000 $.


How long is the duration of the mining package contract

The contract duration is 24 months. 



When does the mining start? Immediately after the purchase of the package?

No, the mining has an activation and setup time of 21 days. The 22nd day the package starts generating daily mining outputs. 


When can one withdrawal the mining results?

Directly from day one, if the amount of Bitcoins is minimum equivalent 30$


Can I cancel the contract before the 24 months exceed?

No, the package price is not an investment, you purchase a product which is producing Bitcoins. 


Do I have additional costs apart from the package price?

No, you simply sit back and receive your daily Bitcoin profits



What do I need to withdrawal my Bitcoin Mining Profits

You need a normal Bitcoin Wallet like from,, or something similar, nothing else. We recommend you to get one of the crypto debit cards for an easier access.

What We Can Do For You

 MillionairesFlix understands itself as a multinational MLM company, which follows the approach, that those characters who shape our cooperate company culture sustainably, are much more important than the increasement of profit under pressure.

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Forex and binary

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